$00/Per month
$29/Per month
$59/Per month
$79/Per month
$89/Per yearly
$189/Per yearly
$299/Per yearly
$35/Per month
$90/Per Quarter
$300/Per Year
We do! Every package offered comes with a 7 day free trial. After the 7 days you will be automatically billed based on the package selected, all subscriptions automatically renew at the end of the billing cycle unless cancelled.
Bulk license discounts are available if you are ordering for a group of 5 or more. Please reach out directly to the sales team to inquire about group license purchasing.
The refund policy can be found at the bottom of every page on the QuadTrendPro website, under Refunds and Cancellations. In short, we do not offer refunds under any circumstances, please visit and review the page prior to purchasing for specific details.
Feel free to reach out to our sales team with any questions you have, we’re always here to help!